PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab Приложения

The Exorcists: 3D Action RPG 1.10.1
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Setelah ribuan tahun mengalami kekalahan,kekuatan gelap mulai muncul kembali menghantui Kerajaan Asgard.Dibantu oleh Fallen Angels, Iblis mulai bangkit dari neraka.Sedikit mulai sedikit Iblis menguasai Kerajaan Asgard, dan memaksaPara Dewa menciptakan The Exorcist! Satu-satunya Pahlawan harapandunia melawan kekuatan Iblis. Apa kau ingin menjadi Hero yangmengalahkan kejahatan?Pilih Main Character kamu dan dapatkan puluhan Hero yangtersedia, kamu mulai di kota Faith City dimana kamu akanberinteraksi dengan player lain, menjalankan quest atau sidemissions. Semakin berbahaya suatu misi, semakin banyak yang kaudapat. Latih dirimu naikan level, pelajari skill baru, cari Heroyang kau inginkan, dapatkan gear equipment yang bagus atau berdueldi Arena.Dengan 3D Grafik yang menajubkan, efek gambar dan suara yangluar biasa, dan gameplay yang seru!Berikut fitur-fitur dari Game The Exorcists:☑️ Bahasa dan Suara Dubbing Indonesia☑️ 3D Graphics detail semua character, lokasi, danlingkungan sudah mengunakan High Quality 3D artinya playerdimanjakan dengan gambar kualitas HD. The Exorcists mengunakanstandart baru dalam grafik mobile game. Jangan khawatir kamu bisamengubah settingan detail jika kamu mengunakan low device.☑️RPG Gameplay Mempunyai banyak fitur yang menarik,selain bertualang menyelesaikan misi, game ini menyediakanfitur-fitur yang menunjang untuk PvE dan PvP, dan kamu bisa jugamembuat komunitas di dalam game, The Exorcists memiliki gameplayyang seru dan tidak membosankan.☑️Dozens of Heroes Memiliki 30 Hero yang bisa dimainkan,kamu bisa memainkan Hero yang seram seperti Corpse King, bisa jugamemainkan Hero Winged Devil dengan baju jirah hitamnya, atau Heroyang lucu seperti Clumsy Bear dan kamu bisa kombinasikan komposisiHero dari STRENGTH, AGILITY atau INTELEGENT!☑️Upgrades & Level Ups Dapatkan pengalaman bermain,menaikan level, menambah kemampuan skill Hero, dan upgradeequipment. Dengan 270 lebih jenis senjata, 380 lebih jenis armordan juga ada item sets.☑️Hundreds of Locations Kamu akan menikmati lokasi dandungeon dengan nuansa yang berbeda dengan hampir 900 map lokasi dandungeon ditambah juga map Deadly Raids, dari Scary Ghost Cementeryke Undead Swamp, bermain berasa tidak membosankan.☑️Multi-Player Mode Kamu bisa bermain dan berinteraksidengan player lain, berpartisipasi dalam Guild Wars,mengalahkan Boss yang kuat di World Boss, PVP denganplayer-player lain di Big Warfare atau melewati dungeonbersama-sama.☑️Ranking, Bonuses & Achievements Bermain game RPGkamu juga akan dapat bonus hadiah harian, Summon Hero, ataumenyelesaikan misi untuk mendapatkan item lebih banyak, dan jugaplayer diajak untuk berkompetisi dengan player lain yang dicatatsecara statistic kemampuan player dalam ranking.Kamu akan mempunyai 3 Hero pendamping yang membantumu dalambertempur dan bertualang melawan para Demons, jika kamu menemukankesulitan kamu bisa mengunakan menu Helper yang ada di game.The Exorcist akan menjadi Action RPG anda yang baru dan kami disiniakan selalu siap untuk membantu. Follow Facebook dan website kamiuntuk update terbaru, tanya jawab, dan hadiah in game.Minimum Requirement :☑️300MB Free Space☑️Android OS, v4.0☑️CPU Dual-Core 1.5 Ghz or Higher,☑️RAM 1 GbRecommended Requirement :☑️300MB Free Space☑️Android OS, v4.0☑️Quad-core 2.2 GHz or Higher☑️RAM 2 Gb▶️ Website:▶️ Facebook: sangat senang apabila kamu sekalian bisa turut membantuperkembangan game ini dengan mensupport dan memberikan review agargame ini selalu menjadi BEST 3D ACTION RPG!After thousands of yearsof defeat, the dark forces begin to come back to haunt the kingdomof Asgard. Assisted by Fallen Angels, Satan began to rise fromhell. Satan started a little bit of control of the kingdom ofAsgard, and forcing the Gods created the The Exorcist! The onlyhope of the world hero against the forces of Satan. Do you wantto be the hero who defeated evil?     Choose Your Main Character andget the Hero dozens available, you start in the town of Faith Citywhere you will interact with other players, running quest or sidemissions. The more dangerous a mission, the more you can. Trainyourself Raise level, learn new skills, find Hero's what you want,get nice gear equipment or duel in the Arena.With 3D charts that menajubkan, pictures and sound effectsare amazing, and the gameplay is fun!Here are the features of the Game The Exorcists:☑️ Language and Voice Dubbing Indonesia☑️ 3D Graphics detail all the characters, locations, andthe environment has been using the High Quality 3D means thatplayers are spoiled with HD quality picture. The Exorcists using anew standard in mobile gaming graphics. Do not worry you can changethe detail settings if you use a low device.☑️ RPG Gameplay Having a lot of interesting features, inaddition to completing the mission of adventure, this game providesfeatures that support for PvE and PvP, and you can also create acommunity within the game, The Exorcists have gameplay fun and notboring.☑️ Dozens of Heroes has 30 Hero can play, you can play arather sinister Hero Corpse King, can also play a Hero Winged Devilwith Jirah black clothes, or Hero funny like Clumsy Bear and youcan combine the composition of the Hero of the STRENGTH, AGILITYor intelegent! ☑️ Upgrades & Level Ups Get your gameexperience, level up, added the ability Hero skills, and upgradeequipment. With over 270 types of weapons, over 380 types of armorand also item sets.☑️ Hundreds of Locations You'll enjoy the location anddungeons with different nuances with nearly 900 locations map anddungeon plus also map Deadly Raids, from Scary Ghost Cementery toUndead Swamp, playing tasteless not boring.☑️ Multi-Player Mode You can play and interact with otherplayers, participate in Guild Wars , beat Boss strong World Boss ,PVP-player with another player in Big Warfare or pass throughdungeons together.☑️ Ranking, Bonuses & Achievements Play RPG game youwill also be bonus prizes daily, Summon Hero, or completing amission to get more items, and also players are invited to competewith another player who recorded statistically the ability of theplayer in the ranking.You will have 3 Hero companion to help you in battle andadventure against the Demons, if you find it difficult you can usethe menu Helper in the game.The Exorcist will be your new Action RPG and we are here to bealways ready to help. Follow Facebook and our website for thelatest updates, frequently asked questions, and prizes in thegame.Minimum Requirements:☑️300MB Free Space☑️Android OS, v4.0☑️CPU Dual-Core 1.5 GHz or higher,☑️RAM 1 GbRecommended Requirements:☑️300MB Free Space☑️Android OS, v4.0☑️Quad-core 2.2 GHz or Higher☑️RAM 2 Gb▶ ️ Website:▶ ️ Facebook: are very happy if you all could join in helping thedevelopment of the game is to support and provide a review thatthis game has always been the BEST 3D ACTION RPG!
The Exorcists MMORPG 1.10.1
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
The Exorcists is a free actionMMORPGgame that lets you explore the world of Asgard, defendyourselffrom demonic forces, clash in online multiplayer games withfriendsand become legendary heroes! Combat evil forces in this epicMMORPGfantasy adventure to become the most powerful knight in theworld.Download today and enjoy one of the best free fantasy gamesonthe market!The Devil has risen from the underworld with an army ofdemonsand has started conquering the Kingdom of Asgard. Inresponse, theGods used their Last Forces to create The Exorcists -powerfulwarrior knights who are immune to demonic possession andchaoticmind control. Will YOU be the knight that defeats TheDevil?The Exorcists Features:Action Heroes of Asgard - The Exorcists!☑ Action MMORPG - Choose from over thirty mighty 3DActionHeroes & Knights of legend☑ Action Heroes - Begin your adventure as eithertheMysterious Blade Master, the Undead Lord of Death or theFireSpirit Queen Mage☑ Heroes of Legend - Level up as an Exorcist andbecomewhatever knight you want - whether it’s a Corpse King,VengefulSoulbreaker, thirsty Vampire or even a Psychotic ClumsyBear!Clash in MMORPG Action Gameplay☑ Clash with Fighting Gear - Equip yourself with over270+Weapons, 380+ Armors and powerful item sets to choosefrom☑ MMORPG Combat - Manually combat against your enemies oruseAuto Fight☑ Clash Using Skills - Train your heroes to learn newcombatskills to boost their Strength, Agility and Magic!☑ Action Upgrades - Level up to boost your life, attackandphysical defense!Online Multiplayer Games☑ PvP Action - Play against other knights in livePvPbattles☑ Guild Wars - Build a clan and join other players inPlayervs Player combat☑ Group Raids - Adventure across Asgard with friendsanddefeat powerful bosses together!Adventure Through the Kingdom of Asgard☑ Adventure Exploration - Adventure across 900 maplocations,starting from The City of Faith!☑ Dungeons – Clash against hordes of Deadly Raids indarkdungeons, from the Scary Ghost Cemetery to the UndeadSwamp☑ Adventure Missions - Take on hundreds of adventurequests& side missions - the more dangerous the adventure, themoreloot and experience!Combat Against Demon Forces of Evil☑ Combat Demons - Fight an army of monsters,dragons,creatures and knights possessed by demons!☑ Bosses - Defeat final bosses bent on casting an eternityofdarkness over the universeRanking and Achievements☑ Daily Action Game Bonuses - Play this MMORPG every dayandreceive daily bonuses!☑ Rewards Cards – Gain reward cards while on yourMMORPGAdventure.☑ Global Rankings - Become the strongest of the Exorcistsinonline multiplayer games.More Free Features of this Epic Online ActionMMORPGGame☑ Gorgeous 3D Graphics - Immersive environments filledwithfearsome knights and other creatures☑ Stunning Effects - Adrenaline-filled action animationsandspells☑ Epic Soundtrack - Breathtaking musical score foryouradventure☑ Adjustable Graphics - Adjust the levels of details tofitthe device you’re playing onMinimum Requirements☑ 300MB Free Space☑ Android OS v4.0☑ CPU Dual-Core 1.5 Ghz or Higher☑ RAM 1 GbRecommended Requirements☑ 300MB Free Space☑ Android OS v4.0☑ Quad-core 2.2 GHz or Higher☑ RAM 2 GbBecome the hero knight of the Gods in this online 3DMMORPG!Download now for hundreds of hours of action!Follow us to stay updated, ask questions or receivesurprisein-game gifts:▶ Website:▶ Facebook:’d love to hear from you so leave a review and tell us whatcanwe do to make this the Best 3D Action MMORPG!Contact Us :
Color Droplet 1.4
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Color Bucket Madness!
Jello Jump: Top of The World 1.125
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
The lava is coming! Help the Jellos to climb the ropes away fromthe lava!
Lumber Trouble 1.009
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Chop your way up!
Fun Magnet: ZzZ 1.006
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Pull Emm and Drop Emm!!!
Gyro Buster HD 2.004
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
PvE or PvP? Choose your Gyro Battle with your Giga Rank!
Egg Tosser 1.005
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Crack, Roll and Flip but don't let it fall!
ToStack 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Stack the Totems of Gods!
MANEVALL: Rescue Mission 1.063
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Run with Manevall's heroes! and save our kingdom!
Duck Roulette 1.002
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Be the hunter, be patient and make every shot count!!
Little Lost One 1.002
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
You have to get out of here! Run!!
Little Lost One 1.002
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Venture deep within the woods where everything is after you. Figureyour way out and escape in one piece. Take advantages of yoursurroundings and hide from them!! Your goal is to escape! Feature-Dark horror atmosphere -Levels to complete -Explore the woods -Useyour surroundings to hide
Throwing Disc 3D 1.014
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Ready! Set! Let it Fly! : Spinner Battle 1.018
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
2020 Ultimate Spinner Battle! Get Ready to Rumble!
Tap The Thief 1.016
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Steal the bounty, avoid the security system and be The TrickiestThief!
MOMON: Mobile Monsters
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
MOMON: Mobile Monsters DU VAHN, a faraway land inhabited bytribesof the sentient creature, known as Beastmen. Each tribe ofBeastmenworships a kind of ancient stone. There are 6 stones,Earth, Wind,Plant, Water, Fire, and Metal. The stones imbued theirworshiperwith an affinity that reflects the stones characteristicof eachelement and some choose to live near the stones and buildacivilization around the stones. Eventually, great citieswereconstructed around each stone. For years Janu wanders thelandscapeof DU VAHN. But thanks to her knowledge of the ancientlanguage,she amassed quite a lot of knowledge about ancient magicfrom hertime exploring ruins. Then she finds something quitefascinating inthe old ruins far south. She discovered the same bookthat vanishedyears ago in Tanhu, the only difference now is thatshe has thetime to browse the content of the book. In her anger,Janu condemnsHarat for their treatment towards her, condemn therest of DU VAHNfor restricting her to enter the other cities. Usingthe knowledgecontained in the book, she cast a spell that envelopsDU VAHN inblinding light. The same spell she felt years ago inTanhu. Theneverything changed. MOMON: Mobile Monsters is a TurnBased RPGgame, with an outstanding graphic which allows players tocollectmonsters from various elements. Upgrade your skills andbring yourmonster together to conquer various stages from differentareas.And prove the ability of your monsters squad in PVP Battlemode.Explore the World of Du Vahn: � Hu Di Ngin, a floating citythathovers above the breezy grassland of Du Vahn. � Aarde, acitycarved into a body of a mountain that house the earth stone.�Ferumopoli, a city built mostly with metal by great blacksmiths.�Tanhu, a city built in a lush forest which is rich innaturalresources. � Ma’an, technically, it’s a gigantic boat thatfloatsabove the submerged water stone. � Harat, a city built insideanactive volcano, who would've thought? MOMON: MobileMonstersFeatures: ☑ Various monsters to collect ☑ Meet variousenemies andbosses ☑ 6 unique areas themes with 180 challengingstages level ☑Switchable and upgradable skill ☑ Evolution system tostrengthenyour monsters ☑ Competitive PVP Battle ☑ Attractivegameplay ☑Colorful and outstanding graphics Minimum Requirements: ☑256 MBFree Space ☑ Android OS v4.4 (KitKat) ☑ CPU Dual-Core 1.2 GHzorHigher ☑ RAM 500 MB Recommended Requirements: ☑ 256 MB Free Space☑Android OS v4.4 (KitKat) ☑ Quad-core 1.5 GHz or Higher ☑ RAM 2GBFollow us to stay updated, ask questions or receivesurprisein-game gifts: ▶ Website: ▶Facebook: We’d love to hear fromyou soleave a review and tell us what can we do to make this TheBestTurn Base and RPG Game. Contact Us:
Hawkeye Sniper Shooter 3D 1.002
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Ready! Steady!! Shoot!!!
Real Race 1.007
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
High Speed, High Tech & High Adrenaline Epic Racing Experience
Perfect Lumber 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Chop, Chop & Get Ready to Build!
Gyro Buster 2.002
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
New Expansion Pack: Rumble Arena!!! Battle 1 vs 20 Gyros!!!
Blow The Tissue 1.003
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Pick up your blower and blow the tissues. Watch out for incomingobstacles
Agent Danger +62 1.003
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Shoot the bad guys!! Be the best agent!
Spinning Orbit 1.003
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Line the orbit up in the right time to avoid them clashing one withanother!
Horsie Race 1.006
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Run your horse, avoid obstacles and be the winner to unlock coolrewards!!
MANEVALL: Fort Defenders 1.030
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Join the heroes of Manevall to fight mice and save their treasures
Traffic Breaker 3D 1.002
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Say no to traffic jam! Step on the gas and break the traffic!
Crew Escape 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Quick! Let's escape and don't get caught
Endless Pirate 1.004
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
ARRRRRR! I see treasure! I see gold! Set sail across the seven seasmates
Roll Ball Smasher 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Roll & Smash!! Are you up for the Challenge
Danger Drift 0.1
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Drift your way across the city & conquer the challenges!!
Starving Island 1.009
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Can you be the last survivor on this food island?
Fish & Run 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Set sail, cast your net & catch as many fish as you can!
Paintball Battle - Shoot Them 1.003
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Fast & Fun Paintball Battle! Shoot Them All & Be TheChampion of The Arena!
Tank Blast 3D 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Aim your tank, Shoot at the right spot & Watch the awesomedestruction!!
Bombastic Throw 3D 1.003
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Watch out its a BOMB!!!!
Crazy Toss 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Aim, Direct and Throw !
Rally Hills 3D 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Maximize your momentum, Use portals & Win the Rally Race!
Flat Earth 1.002
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Destroy and colonize the wasteland!!
Auto Dispenser 1.003
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Pour like a bartender!
Mob Army 3D 1.006
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Gather your army, protect your commander & complete the level!
Speedy Swimmer 1.003
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Be the best swimmer in the nation!
Primal Struggle 1.006
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Food!! Foooodd!! Gotta have them all!!
Sea Wars 1.001
PT. MAENTRUS Digital Lab
Prepare your warship & fight against tough enemies!